Apert syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 4 references describing 191 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Syndactyly skeletal 100 % 7645606 2012-01-25
Craniosynostosis skeletal 100 % 16691624 2012-01-26
Proptosis nervous 92 % 16876521 2012-01-26
Non-progressive ventriculomegaly nervous 76 % 16691624 2012-01-26
Strabismus nervous 66 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Mental retardation nervous 52 % 3351902 2012-01-26
Emmetropia nervous 51 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Visual impairment nervous 44 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Astigmatism nervous 42 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Septum pellucidum defect nervous 40 % 16691624 2012-01-26
Hypermetropia nervous 34 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Ptosis nervous 32 % 16876521 2012-01-26
Anisometropia nervous 27 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Amblyopia nervous 18 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Myopia nervous 15 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Hydrocephalus nervous 13 % 16691624 2012-01-26
Optic atrophy nervous 8 % 16876521 2012-01-25
Corpus callosum agenesis nervous 7 % 16691624 2012-01-26

List of references:

Hands and feet in the Apert syndrome.
M M Cohen, S Kreiborg,

American journal of medical genetics - May 1995

Intracranial anomalies detected by imaging studies in 30 patients with Apert syndrome.
Fabiola Quintero-Rivera, Caroline D Robson, Rosemary E Reiss, Deborah Levine, Carol B Benson, John B Mulliken, Virginia E Kimonis,

American journal of medical genetics. Part A - Jun 2006

Ophthalmic findings in apert syndrome prior to craniofacial surgery.
Jwu Jin Khong, Peter Anderson, Timothy L Gray, Michael Hammerton, Dinesh Selva, David David,

American journal of ophthalmology - Aug 2006

Intellectual development in Apert's syndrome: a long term follow up of 29 patients.
M A Patton, J Goodship, R Hayward, R Lansdown,

Journal of medical genetics - Mar 1988