Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 3 references describing 1,405 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Limb wasting nervous 100 % 17296839 2012-06-10
Hyperactive reflexes nervous 100 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Muscle weakness skeletal 100 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Motor neuron degeneration nervous 100 % 17296839 2020-01-25
Pyramidal signs nervous 99 % 17296839 2012-06-10
Muscle atrophy skeletal 90 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Bulbar dysfunction nervous 88 % 17296839 2012-06-10
Dysphagia nervous 80 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Dysdiadochokinesia nervous 78 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Weight loss multi 70 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Fasciculations skeletal 70 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Areflexia nervous 70 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Dysarthria nervous 60 % 19487653 2012-08-24
Spasticity nervous 22 % 21702734 2012-06-10
Muscle atrophy skeletal 22 % 21702734 2012-06-10
Dementia nervous 8 % 17296839 2012-06-10

List of references:

Differentiation between primary lateral sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: examination of symptoms and signs at disease onset and during follow-up.
Maria Carmela Tartaglia, Ann Rowe, Karen Findlater, J B Orange, Gloria Grace, Michael J Strong,

Archives of neurology - Feb 2007

Clinical features that distinguish PLS, upper motor neuron-dominant ALS, and typical ALS.
P H Gordon, B Cheng, I B Katz, H Mitsumoto, L P Rowland,

Neurology - Jun 2009

Uncovering amyotrophic lateral sclerosis phenotypes: clinical features and long-term follow-up of upper motor neuron-dominant ALS.
Mario Sabatelli, Marcella Zollino, Marco Luigetti, Alessandra Del Grande, Serena Lattante, Giuseppe Marangi, Mauro Lo Monaco, Francesca Madia, Emiliana Meleo, Giulia Bisogni, Amelia Conte,

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases - Jul 2011