Marfan syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 135 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Mitral valve prolapse circulatory 70 % 8553383 2011-10-19
Aortic root dilatation circulatory 65 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Tall stature skeletal 57 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Arachnodactyly skeletal 51 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Ectopia lentis nervous 50 % 8553383 2011-10-10
Striae integumentary 36 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Dolichostenomelia skeletal 35 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Scoliosis skeletal 29 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Myopia nervous 28 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Iridonesis nervous 24 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Hypermobile joints skeletal 22 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Iris transillumination nervous 21 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Dissecting aortic aneurysm circulatory 10 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Hernia integumentary 10 % 8553383 2011-10-05
High arched palate skeletal 9 % 8553383 2011-10-05
Spontaneous pneumothorax respiratory 6 % 8553383 2011-10-05

List of references:

Is Marfan syndrome associated with symptomatic intracranial aneurysms?
J S van den Berg, M Limburg, R C Hennekam,

Stroke - Jan 1996