Centronuclear myopathy 1

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 5 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hypotonia skeletal 100 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Muscle weakness skeletal 100 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Ptosis nervous 80 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Ophthalmoplegia nervous 80 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Contracture skeletal 80 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Hypermobile joints skeletal 75 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Developmental delay skeletal 60 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Pes cavus skeletal 40 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Scoliosis skeletal 40 % 17932957 2014-04-30
Increased blood CK circulatory 20 % 17932957 2014-04-30

List of references:

Dynamin 2 mutations cause sporadic centronuclear myopathy with neonatal onset.
Marc Bitoun, Jorge A Bevilacqua, Bernard Prudhon, Svetlana Maugenre, Ana Lia Taratuto, Soledad Monges, Fabiana Lubieniecki, Claude Cances, Emmanuelle Uro-Coste, Michèle Mayer, Michel Fardeau, Norma B Romero, Pascale Guicheney,

Annals of neurology - Dec 2007