Kindler syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 11 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Congenital blistering integumentary 100 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Poikiloderma integumentary 100 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Skin atrophy integumentary 100 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Ichthyosis integumentary 100 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Telangiectasia integumentary 82 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Sun sensitivity integumentary 73 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Gingivitis integumentary 73 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Skin pigmentation changes integumentary 55 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Leucoplakia digestive 55 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Dysphagia digestive 55 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Dental caries digestive 45 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Diarrhea digestive 27 % 12668616 2014-04-23
Anemia circulatory 18 % 12668616 2014-04-23

List of references:

Identification of mutations in a new gene encoding a FERM family protein with a pleckstrin homology domain in Kindler syndrome.
Florence Jobard, Bakar Bouadjar, Frédéric Caux, Smail Hadj-Rabia, Christina Has, Fumi Matsuda, Jean Weissenbach, Mark Lathrop, Jean-François Prud'homme, Judith Fischer,

Human molecular genetics - Apr 2003