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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 79 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Short stature skeletal 100 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Short limbs skeletal 100 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Genu varum skeletal 84 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Arthritis skeletal 63 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Arthralgia skeletal 53 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Scoliosis skeletal 49 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Lumbar lordosis skeletal 46 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Windswept deformity skeletal 16 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Cervical spine instability skeletal 16 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Genu valgum skeletal 15 % 8725795 2014-04-23
Kyphosis skeletal 6 % 8725795 2014-04-23

List of references:

Natural history study of pseudoachondroplasia.
J McKeand, J Rotta, J T Hecht,

American journal of medical genetics - May 1996