Sturge-Weber Syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 2 references describing 82 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Seizures nervous 100 % 22832777 2015-08-11
Port-wine stains circulatory 98 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Port-wine stains circulatory 86 % 22832777 2015-08-11
Seizures nervous 83 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Headache nervous 62 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Glaucoma nervous 60 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Cognitive deficits nervous 55 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Gyriform cortical calcification nervous 52 % 22832777 2015-08-11
Body asymmetry skeletal 48 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Depression nervous 48 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Developmental delay nervous 37 % 7645596 2015-08-11
Cerebral atrophy nervous 9 % 22832777 2015-08-11

List of references:

Sturge-Weber syndrome: clinical spectrum, disease course, and outcome of 30 patients.
Sujit Jagtap, G Srinivas, K J Harsha, Neelima Radhakrishnan, Ashalatha Radhakrishnan,

Journal of child neurology - Jun 2013

Outcome of Sturge-Weber syndrome in 52 adults.
E Sujansky, S Conradi,

American journal of medical genetics - May 1995