Bloom syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 5 references describing 219 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Short stature skeletal 100 % 15137905 2011-10-19
Immune deficiency lymphatic 100 % 15137905 2011-10-01
Short stature skeletal 100 % 16763388 2011-10-01
Skin pigmentation changes integumentary 100 % 15137905 2011-10-02
Hypogonadism reproductive 100 % 2721026 2011-10-12
Sun sensitivity integumentary 96 % 5770175 2011-10-12
Telangiectasia integumentary 96 % 5770175 2011-10-12
Cafe-au-lait spots integumentary 59 % 5770175 2011-10-13
Cancer lymphatic 42 % 9062585 2011-10-01
Cafe-au-lait spots integumentary 41 % 5770175 2011-10-12
High-pitched voice nervous 26 % 5770175 2011-10-13
Clinodactyly skeletal 23 % 5770175 2015-09-20
Syndactyly skeletal 14 % 5770175 2015-09-20
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 13 % 9062585 2011-10-01
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 9 % 16763388 2011-10-01

List of references:

Clinical features of Bloom syndrome and function of the causative gene, BLM helicase.
Hideo Kaneko, Naomi Kondo,

Expert review of molecular diagnostics - May 2004

Evaluation of short stature, carbohydrate metabolism and other endocrinopathies in Bloom's syndrome.
Alejandro Diaz, Maria G Vogiatzi, Maureen M Sanz, James German,

Hormone research - 2006

Bloom's syndrome. XIV. The disorder in Japan.
J German, H Takebe,

Clinical genetics - Feb 1989

Bloom's syndrome. I. Genetical and clinical observations in the first twenty-seven patients.
J German,

American journal of human genetics - Mar 1969

Bloom's syndrome. XX. The first 100 cancers.
J German,

Cancer genetics and cytogenetics - Jan 1997