Cutis laxa recessive type 1
Cutis laxa recessive

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 12 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Cutis laxa integumentary 100 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Emphysema respiratory 92 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis circulatory 50 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Hernia digestive 42 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Diaphragmatic hernia digestive 42 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Hypotonia nervous 42 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Prominent ears integumentary 42 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Inguinal hernia digestive 25 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Tricuspid valvular insufficiency circulatory 25 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Aortic valvular insufficiency circulatory 25 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Bossed forehead skeletal 25 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Broad nasal bridge skeletal 25 % 22829427 2014-04-24
Prominent veins integumentary 25 % 22829427 2014-04-24

List of references:

Comprehensive clinical and molecular analysis of 12 families with type 1 recessive cutis laxa.
Bert Callewaert, Chi-Ting Su, Tim Van Damme, Philip Vlummens, Fransiska Malfait, Olivier Vanakker, Bianca Schulz, Meghan Mac Neal, Elaine C Davis, Joseph G H Lee, Aicha Salhi, Sheila Unger, Ketil Heimdal, Salome De Almeida, Uwe Kornak, Harald Gaspar, Jean-Luc Bresson, Katrina Prescott, Maria E Gosendi, Sahar Mansour, Gérald E Piérard, Suneeta Madan-Khetarpal, Frank C Sciurba, Sofie Symoens, Paul J Coucke, Lionel Van Maldergem, Zsolt Urban, Anne De Paepe,

Human mutation - Jan 2013