Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, TypeIIIA

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 2 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Skin wrinkles integumentary 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Cataract nervous 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Prominent ears multi 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Midfacial hypoplasia multi 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Facial dysmorphism multi 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Short limbs endocrine 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Contracture skeletal 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Triangular face multi 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Hip dysplasia skeletal 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Adducted thumb syndrome skeletal 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Progeroid multi 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Hypermobility skeletal 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Short stature endocrine 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Cardiac structural defects circulatory 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Mental retardation nervous 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29
Ventricular septal defects circulatory 100 % 24913064 2024-04-29

List of references:

Severe congenital cutis laxa with cardiovascular manifestations due to homozygous deletions in ALDH18A1.
Björn Fischer, Bert Callewaert, Phillipe Schröter, Paul J Coucke, Claire Schlack, Claus-Eric Ott, Manrico Morroni, Wolfgang Homann, Stefan Mundlos, Eva Morava, Anna Ficcadenti, Uwe Kornak,

Molecular genetics and metabolism - Aug 2014