Cystic fibrosis

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 5 references describing 797 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Pneumonia respiratory 100 % 10829988 2011-10-19
Obstructive lung disease respiratory 100 % 12001283 2011-10-06
Bronchiectasis respiratory 92 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Mucous plugging respiratory 90 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Pancreatic insufficiency digestive 87 % 8120708 2011-10-06
Failure to thrive multi 86 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Steatorrhoea digestive 86 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Peribronchial thickening respiratory 85 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Air trapping respiratory 62 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Clubbed fingers skeletal 60 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Sinusitis respiratory 40 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Hepatomegaly digestive 30 % 8120708 2011-10-06
Short stature skeletal 26 % 12447862 2011-10-06
Ileus digestive 26 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Mosaic perfusion respiratory 26 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Lung abscesses respiratory 18 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Ileus digestive 16 % 8120708 2011-10-06
Diabetes mellitus endocrine 15 % 12001283 2011-10-06
Bronchiolitis respiratory 13 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Cor pulmonale circulatory 13 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Nasal Polyposis respiratory 13 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Ileus digestive 10 % 12447862 2011-10-06
Cirrhosis digestive 10 % 12447862 2011-10-06
Emphysema respiratory 8 % 17099020 2012-05-09
Hearing loss nervous 7 % 10829988 2011-10-06
Splenomegaly circulatory 6 % 8120708 2011-10-06

List of references:

Cystic fibrosis--an Indian perspective on recent advances in diagnosis and management.
S K Kabra, M Kabra, M Ghosh, I C Verma,

Indian journal of pediatrics - 1996

Predictors of deterioration of lung function in cystic fibrosis.
C Schaedel, I de Monestrol, L Hjelte, M Johannesson, R Kornfält, A Lindblad, B Strandvik, L Wahlgren, L Holmberg,

Pediatric pulmonology - Jun 2002

Pulmonary abnormalities on high-resolution CT demonstrate more rapid decline than FEV1 in adults with cystic fibrosis.
Eoin P Judge, Jonathan D Dodd, James B Masterson, Charles G Gallagher,

Chest - Nov 2006

Analysis of risk factors for the development of liver disease associated with cystic fibrosis.
C Colombo, M G Apostolo, M Ferrari, M Seia, S Genoni, A Giunta, L P Sereni,

The Journal of pediatrics - Mar 1994

Liver disease in cystic fibrosis: A prospective study on incidence, risk factors, and outcome.
Carla Colombo, Pier Maria Battezzati, Andrea Crosignani, Alberto Morabito, Diana Costantini, Rita Padoan, Annamaria Giunta,

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - Dec 2002