Mucolipidosis II

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 3 references describing 44 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Developmental delay nervous 100 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Short stature skeletal 100 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Recurrent infections lymphatic 100 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Dysostosis multiplex skeletal 100 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Wide digital bones skeletal 100 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Cardiac valve thickening circulatory 90 % 20367762 2018-03-05
Heart murmur circulatory 88 % 19197337 2018-03-05
Hepatomegaly digestive 85 % 19197337 2018-03-05
Feeding difficulties digestive 50 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Gingival hypertrophy digestive 36 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Tibial bowing skeletal 36 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Hernia digestive 36 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Corneal opacities nervous 36 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Contracture skeletal 29 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Tracheostoma respiratory 29 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Hip dysplasia skeletal 21 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Intrauterine growth retardation skeletal 20 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Echogenic cardiac foci circulatory 20 % 19617216 2018-03-05
Scoliosis skeletal 7 % 19617216 2018-03-05

List of references:

Phenotype and genotype in mucolipidoses II and III alpha/beta: a study of 61 probands.
S S Cathey, J G Leroy, T Wood, K Eaves, R J Simensen, M Kudo, R E Stevenson, M J Friez,

Journal of medical genetics - Jan 2010

The natural history and osteodystrophy of mucolipidosis types II and III.
Grace David-Vizcarra, Julie Briody, Jenny Ault, Michael Fietz, Janice Fletcher, Ravi Savarirayan, Meredith Wilson, Jim McGill, Matthew Edwards, Craig Munns, Melanie Alcausin, Sara Cathey, David Sillence,

Journal of paediatrics and child health - Jun 2010

Mucolipidosis II and III alpha/beta: mutation analysis of 40 Japanese patients showed genotype-phenotype correlation.
Takanobu Otomo, Takeshi Muramatsu, Tohru Yorifuji, Torayuki Okuyama, Hiroki Nakabayashi, Toshiyuki Fukao, Toshihiro Ohura, Makoto Yoshino, Akemi Tanaka, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Koji Inui, Keiichi Ozono, Norio Sakai,

Journal of human genetics - Mar 2009