Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 2 references describing 241 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Angioid streaks nervous 100 % 2012127 2012-01-11
Peau d`orange lesions integumentary 86 % 2012127 2012-01-11
Yellowish papules integumentary 67 % 3652487 2012-01-11
Macular degeneration nervous 65 % 2012127 2012-01-11
Angioid streaks nervous 53 % 3652487 2012-01-11
Choroiditis nervous 33 % 3652487 2012-01-11
Hypertension circulatory 32 % 2012127 2012-01-11
Claudicatio circulatory 29 % 3652487 2012-01-11
Hypertension circulatory 25 % 3652487 2012-01-11
Claudicatio circulatory 25 % 2012127 2012-01-11
Angina pectoris circulatory 7 % 2012127 2012-01-11
Gastrointestinal bleeding digestive 5 % 2012127 2012-01-11

List of references:

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: similar autosomal recessive subtype in Belgian and Afrikaner families.
A De Paepe, D Viljoen, M Matton, P Beighton, V Lenaerts, K Vossaert, S De Bie, D Voet, J J De Laey, A Kint,

American journal of medical genetics - Jan 1991

Heterogeneity of pseudoxanthoma elasticum: delineation of a new form?
D L Viljoen, F M Pope, P Beighton,

Clinical genetics - Aug 1987