Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation, Type IIc

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 2 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Persistent fetal finger pads multi 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Brachydactyly circulatory 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Small hands multi 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Widow's peak integumentary 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Prominent nose multi 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Coarse facial features multi 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Short stature endocrine 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Autism nervous 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Mental retardation nervous 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Speech delay multi 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Developmental delay multi 100 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Obsessive behavioral routines nervous 50 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Seizures nervous 50 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Instability of body temperature multi 50 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Bronchiolitis respiratory 50 % 24403049 2024-05-28
Sinusitis lymphatic 50 % 24403049 2024-05-28

List of references:

Congenital disorder of fucosylation type 2c (LADII) presenting with short stature and developmental delay with minimal adhesion defect.
Andrew Dauber, Altan Ercan, Jack Lee, Philip James, Pieter P Jacobs, David J Ashline, Sophie R Wang, Timothy Miller, Joel N Hirschhorn, Peter A Nigrovic, Robert Sackstein,

Human molecular genetics - Jun 2014