Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=12362029&retmode=xml): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 564 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=12362029&retmode=xml" in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 564 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "AuthorList" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Title" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "JournalIssue" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubDate" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Month" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "JournalIssue" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubDate" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Year" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "ArticleTitle" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Affiliation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Author" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 573 Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 573 Mito DB

Congenital generalized lipodystrophy type 2
Berardinelli-Seip syndrome 2

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 2 references describing 36 individuals

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Pubmed id number as a reference Organ system affected
Number of patients in the reference Percent affected patients (Between 0 and 1, eg. 0.1 = 10%)
Please provide your name and contact information as a reference
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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hepatomegaly digestive 100 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Lipodystrophy integumentary 100 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Muscle hypertrophy skeletal 100 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Hypertriglyceridemia circulatory 100 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Muscle weakness skeletal 100 % 30208912 2019-02-14
Mental retardation nervous 75 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 46 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy skeletal 33 % 12362029 2014-05-29
Bone cysts skeletal 8 % 12362029 2014-05-29

List of references:


Impairment of respiratory muscle strength in Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy subjects.
Jorge Luiz Dantas de Medeiros, Bruno Carneiro Bezerra, Thiago Anderson Brito de Araújo, Aquiles Sales Craveiro Sarmento, Lázaro Batista de Azevedo Medeiros, Lucien Peroni Gualdi, Maria do Socorro Luna Cruz, Thaiza Teixeira Xavier Nobre, Josivan Gomes Lima, Julliane Tamara Araújo de Melo Campos,

Respiratory research - Sep 2018