Sjogren-Larsson syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 2 references describing 21 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Ichthyosis integumentary 100 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Decreased fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase activity integumentary 100 % 11124298 2016-08-17
White macular deposits nervous 100 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Leukodystrophy nervous 100 % 16476818 2016-08-17
Contracture nervous 100 % 16476818 2016-08-17
Ichthyosis integumentary 100 % 16476818 2016-08-17
Spasticity nervous 100 % 16476818 2016-08-17
Mental retardation nervous 93 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Spasticity nervous 93 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Visual impairment nervous 92 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Photophobia nervous 87 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Astigmatism nervous 67 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Hyperactive reflexes nervous 33 % 16476818 2016-08-17
Strabismus nervous 13 % 11124298 2016-08-17
Nystagmus nervous 7 % 11124298 2016-08-17

List of references:

Juvenile macular dystrophy associated with deficient activity of fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase in Sjögren-Larsson syndrome.
M A Willemsen, J R Cruysberg, J J Rotteveel, A L Aandekerk, P H Van Domburg, A F Deutman,

American journal of ophthalmology - Dec 2000

Phenotypic variability among adult siblings with Sjögren-Larsson syndrome.
Alexander Lossos, Moona Khoury, William B Rizzo, John M Gomori, Eyal Banin, Abraham Zlotogorski, Saleh Jaber, Oded Abramsky, Zohar Argov, Hanna Rosenmann,

Archives of neurology - Feb 2006