Tay-Sachs Disease

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 72 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Developmental delay multi 81 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Startling nervous 64 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Hypotonia nervous 58 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Fine motor problems nervous 39 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Visual impairment nervous 39 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Seizures nervous 39 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Psychomotor regression nervous 38 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Hearing loss nervous 38 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Failure to thrive multi 21 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Sleep disturbances nervous 17 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Irritability nervous 17 % 22025593 2018-03-04
Screaming episodes nervous 17 % 22025593 2018-03-04

List of references:

Natural history of infantile G(M2) gangliosidosis.
Annette E Bley, Ourania A Giannikopoulos, Doug Hayden, Kim Kubilus, Cynthia J Tifft, Florian S Eichler,

Pediatrics - Nov 2011