Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=16673358&retmode=xml): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 564 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=16673358&retmode=xml" in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 564 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "AuthorList" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Title" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "JournalIssue" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubDate" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Month" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "JournalIssue" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubDate" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Year" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "ArticleTitle" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Affiliation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Author" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 573 Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 573 Mito DB

Werner syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 4 references describing 276 individuals

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Select symptom from list or write it in the box
Pubmed id number as a reference Organ system affected
Number of patients in the reference Percent affected patients (Between 0 and 1, eg. 0.1 = 10%)
Please provide your name and contact information as a reference
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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Cataract nervous 100 % 16673358 2011-10-19
Cerebral atrophy nervous 100 % 14586596 2014-05-13
Alopecia integumentary 100 % 14586596 2014-05-13
Decreased brain NAA to CR nervous 100 % 14586596 2014-05-13
Weight loss multi 100 % 25059010 2014-09-17
Scleroderma integumentary 99 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Thin limbs skeletal 98 % 16673358 2014-09-17
Graying of hair integumentary 96 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Short stature multi 94 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Osteoporosis skeletal 91 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Hypogonadism reproductive 80 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 71 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 62 % 22587870 2014-05-09
Hypercholesterolemia circulatory 52 % 22587870 2014-05-09
Cancer multi 44 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Arteriosclerosis circulatory 40 % 16673358 2011-10-13
Hypertension circulatory 26 % 22587870 2014-05-09
Arteriosclerosis circulatory 10 % 22587870 2014-05-09

List of references:


MR evidence of structural and metabolic changes in brains of patients with Werner's syndrome.
Nicola De Stefano, Maria T Dotti, Carla Battisti, Francesco Sicurelli, Maria L Stromillo, Marzia Mortilla, Antonio Federico,

Journal of neurology - Oct 2003

Werner syndrome: clinical evaluation of two cases and a novel mutation.
A T Mansur, N H Elçioglu, G T Demirci,

Genetic counseling (Geneva, Switzerland) - 2014

Incidence and characteristics of metabolic disorders and vascular complications in individuals with Werner syndrome in Japan.
Emiko Okabe, Minoru Takemoto, Shunichiro Onishi, Takahiro Ishikawa, Ryouichi Ishibashi, Peng He, Kazuki Kobayashi, Masaki Fujimoto, Harukiyo Kawamura, Koutaro Yokote,

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - May 2012