Wilson disease

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 282 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Kayser-Fleischer ring nervous 95 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Ceruloplasmin levels low circulatory 93 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Increased urinary copper urinary 70 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Bradykinesia nervous 62 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Rigidity nervous 62 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Anemia circulatory 49 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Cerebral atrophy nervous 45 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Ventricular enlargement brain nervous 44 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Jaundice digestive 40 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Hepatomegaly digestive 39 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Splenomegaly circulatory 37 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Dystonia nervous 35 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Brainstem atrophy nervous 32 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Thrombocytopenia circulatory 29 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Ataxia nervous 28 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Hypocalcemia circulatory 27 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Basal ganglia pathology nervous 25 % 17435591 2014-05-07
White matter lesions nervous 20 % 17435591 2019-02-07
Cerebellar atrophy nervous 19 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Pyramidal signs nervous 16 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Arthralgia skeletal 13 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Ascites digestive 12 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Increased blood transaminase circulatory 12 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Chorea nervous 9 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Seizures nervous 8 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Increased blood bilirubin circulatory 8 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Myoclonus nervous 3 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Athetosis nervous 2 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Bleeding circulatory 2 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Arthritis skeletal 2 % 17435591 2014-05-07
Hypophosphatemia circulatory 2 % 17435591 2014-05-07

List of references:

Wilson disease: description of 282 patients evaluated over 3 decades.
Arun B Taly, S Meenakshi-Sundaram, Sanjib Sinha, H S Swamy, G R Arunodaya,

Medicine - Mar 2007