Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=31127942&retmode=xml): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 564 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=31127942&retmode=xml" in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 564 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "AuthorList" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 565 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "Title" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 566 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "JournalIssue" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubDate" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "Month" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 567 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Journal" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "JournalIssue" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubDate" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "Year" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 568 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "ArticleTitle" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 569 Warning: Attempt to read property "PubmedArticle" on bool in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "MedlineCitation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Article" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Affiliation" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 571 Warning: Attempt to read property "Author" on null in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 573 Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /customers/0/2/d/mitodb.com/httpd.www/symptoms.php on line 573 Mito DB

Ogden syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 23 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Developmental delay multi 100 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Autism nervous 100 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Feeding difficulties nervous 100 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Psychomotor retardation nervous 100 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Eye abnormalities integumentary 88 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Broad eyebrows integumentary 78 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Broad philtra integumentary 78 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Seizures nervous 69 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Short stature skeletal 57 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Corpus callosum thining nervous 47 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Hearing loss nervous 42 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Long QT circulatory 37 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Atrial septum defect circulatory 17 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Pulmonary hypertension circulatory 6 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Tetralogy of Fallot circulatory 6 % 31127942 2022-01-08
Heart failure circulatory 4 % 31127942 2022-01-08

List of references:
