Fabry disease

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 2 references describing 104 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Foam cells urinary 100 % 16799480 2020-01-24
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy circulatory 88 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Proteinuria urinary 84 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Hearing loss nervous 78 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Neuropathic pain nervous 77 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Angiokeratoma integumentary 71 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Abdominal pain digestive 69 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Fatigue multi 62 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Hypohidrosis integumentary 56 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Angina pectoris circulatory 56 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Nephropathy urinary 47 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Weight loss multi 47 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Edema multi 45 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Tinitus nervous 38 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Renal failure urinary 31 % 11694547 2018-03-07
Cardiac valve thickening circulatory 29 % 11694547 2018-03-07

List of references:

Fabry disease: a morphologic study of 11 cases.
Edgar G Fischer, Michael J Moore, Donna J Lager,

Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc - Oct 2006

Anderson-Fabry disease: clinical manifestations and impact of disease in a cohort of 98 hemizygous males.
K D MacDermot, A Holmes, A H Miners,

Journal of medical genetics - Nov 2001