Rett syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 6 references describing 522 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Ataxia nervous 100 % 3087203 2011-10-19
Chorea nervous 100 % 3087203 2012-01-24
Short stature skeletal 100 % 3087203 2011-10-03
Mental retardation nervous 100 % 3087203 2011-10-03
Developmental delay nervous 100 % 3087203 2011-10-03
Cardiac conduction defect circulatory 100 % 10480210 2011-10-03
Microcephaly nervous 93 % 14649546 2011-10-03
Gastrointestinal dysmotility digestive 89 % 11247006 2011-10-12
Seizures nervous 81 % 17011329 2011-10-02
Hyperventilation respiratory 66 % 14649546 2011-10-03
non-walking nervous 48 % 14649546 2011-10-03
Seizures nervous 41 % 14649546 2011-10-03
Pyrosis digestive 32 % 11247006 2011-10-03
Scoliosis skeletal 31 % 14649546 2011-10-03
Cardiac conduction defect circulatory 26 % 10208957 2011-10-03

List of references:

Rett syndrome: a suggested staging system for describing impairment profile with increasing age towards adolescence.
B Hagberg, I Witt-Engerström,

American journal of medical genetics. Supplement - 1986

Reduced heart rate variability in patients affected with Rett syndrome. A possible explanation for sudden death.
F Guideri, M Acampa, G Hayek, M Zappella, T Di Perri,

Neuropediatrics - Jun 1999

Clinical variability in Rett syndrome.
SakkuBai Naidu, Genila Bibat, Lisa Kratz, Richard I Kelley, Jonathan Pevsner, Eric Hoffman, Carmen Cuffari, Charles Rohde, Mary E Blue, Michael V Johnston,

Journal of child neurology - Oct 2003

Functional status, medical impairments, and rehabilitation resources in 84 females with Rett syndrome: a snapshot across the world from the parental perspective.
H Leonard, S Fyfe, S Leonard, M Msall,

Disability and rehabilitation -

Predictors of seizure onset in Rett syndrome.
Le Jian, Lakshmi Nagarajan, Nicholas de Klerk, David Ravine, Carol Bower, Alison Anderson, Sarah Williamson, John Christodoulou, Helen Leonard,

The Journal of pediatrics - Oct 2006

Prolonged QT interval in Rett syndrome.
C J Ellaway, G Sholler, H Leonard, J Christodoulou,

Archives of disease in childhood - May 1999