Maternally transmitted diabetes and deafness syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 2 references describing 128 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hearing loss nervous 98 % 11329229 2011-10-18
Retinitis pigmentosa nervous 73 % 18581092 2011-10-10
Diabetes mellitus type 1 endocrine 62 % 18581092 2011-10-11
Muscle weakness skeletal 43 % 11329229 2011-10-11
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 41 % 11329229 2011-10-11
Diabetes mellitus type 2 endocrine 38 % 18581092 2011-10-11
Nephropathy urinary 38 % 18581092 2011-10-10
Hypertension circulatory 28 % 11329229 2011-10-11
Nephropathy urinary 28 % 11329229 2011-10-11
Psychiatric symptom nervous 18 % 11329229 2011-10-11
Cardiomyopathy circulatory 15 % 11329229 2011-10-11
Diabetic retinopathy nervous 8 % 18581092 2011-10-10

List of references:

Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness: a multicenter study.
P J Guillausseau, P Massin, D Dubois-LaForgue, J Timsit, M Virally, H Gin, E Bertin, J F Blickle, B Bouhanick, J Cahen, S Caillat-Zucman, G Charpentier, P Chedin, C Derrien, P H Ducluzeau, A Grimaldi, B Guerci, E Kaloustian, A Murat, F Olivier, M Paques, V Paquis-Flucklinger, B Porokhov, J Samuel-Lajeunesse, B Vialettes,

Annals of internal medicine - May 2001

Retinal and renal complications in patients with a mutation of mitochondrial DNA at position 3,243 (maternally inherited diabetes and deafness). A case-control study.
P Massin, D Dubois-Laforgue, T Meas, M Laloi-Michelin, H Gin, B Bauduceau, C Bellanné-Chantelot, E Bertin, J-F Blickle, B Bouhanick, J Cahen-Varsaux, S Casanova, G Charpentier, P Chedin, O Dupuy, A Grimaldi, B Guerci, E Kaloustian, A Lecleire-Collet, F Lorenzini, A Murat, H Narbonne, F Olivier, V Paquis-Flucklinger, M Virally, M Vincenot, B Vialettes, J Timsit, P J Guillausseau, ,

Diabetologia - Sep 2008