Omenn syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 11 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hepatomegaly digestive 91 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Inflammatory bowel disease digestive 91 % 26596586 2016-11-08
B-cell depletion circulatory 82 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Erythroderma integumentary 73 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Lympadenopathy lymphatic 73 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Recurrent infections circulatory 64 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Low serum IgA circulatory 63 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Low serum IgM circulatory 50 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Splenomegaly circulatory 45 % 26596586 2016-11-08
T-cell reduction lymphatic 45 % 26596586 2016-11-08
Atopic dermatitis integumentary 27 % 26596586 2016-11-08

List of references:

Molecular Characteristics, Clinical and Immunologic Manifestations of 11 Children with Omenn Syndrome in East Slavs (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine).
Svetlana O Sharapova, Irina E Guryanova, Olga E Pashchenko, Irina V Kondratenko, Larisa V Kostyuchenko, Yulia A Rodina, Tatjana V Varlamova, Anastasiia V Bondarenko, Liudmyla I Chernyshova, Marina N Gyseva, Mikhail V Belevtsev, Nina V Minakovskaya, Olga V Aleinikova,

Journal of clinical immunology - Jan 2016