North American Indian Childhood Cirrhosis

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 30 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hepatomegaly circulatory 90 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Portal hypertension circulatory 90 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Increased alkaline phosphatase circulatory 90 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Increased blood transaminase circulatory 90 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Increased blood gammaglutamyltransferase circulatory 90 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Coagulopathy circulatory 90 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Heart murmur circulatory 87 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Telangiectasia circulatory 77 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Otitis media nervous 77 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Bronchial hyperactivity respiratory 77 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Jaundice circulatory 70 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Splenomegaly circulatory 67 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Pruritus integumentary 53 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Epistaxis respiratory 53 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Variceal bleeding digestive 50 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Ascites digestive 27 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Liver failure digestive 20 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Short stature skeletal 13 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Cardiac structural defects circulatory 7 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis digestive 6 % 11045837 2015-04-01
Hematemesis digestive 3 % 11045837 2015-04-01

List of references:

North American Indian cirrhosis in children: a review of 30 cases.
E Drouin, P Russo, B Tuchweber, G Mitchell, A Rasquin-Weber,

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - Oct 2000