Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 90 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Ataxia nervous 100 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Increased blood AFP circulatory 99 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Neuropathy nervous 98 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Cerebellar atrophy nervous 96 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Oculomotor apraxia nervous 51 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Tremor nervous 14 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Dystonia nervous 14 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Strabismus nervous 12 % 19696032 2011-10-27
Chorea nervous 10 % 19696032 2011-10-27

List of references:

Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2: clinical, biological and genotype/phenotype correlation study of a cohort of 90 patients.
M Anheim, B Monga, M Fleury, P Charles, C Barbot, M Salih, J P Delaunoy, M Fritsch, L Arning, M Synofzik, L Schöls, J Sequeiros, C Goizet, C Marelli, I Le Ber, J Koht, J Gazulla, J De Bleecker, M Mukhtar, N Drouot, L Ali-Pacha, T Benhassine, M Chbicheb, A M'Zahem, A Hamri, B Chabrol, J Pouget, R Murphy, M Watanabe, P Coutinho, M Tazir, A Durr, A Brice, C Tranchant, M Koenig,

Brain : a journal of neurology - Oct 2009