Hurler syndrome

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 601 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Coarse facial features skeletal 86 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Corneal opacities nervous 71 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Kyphosis skeletal 70 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Hepatomegaly digestive 70 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Hernia integumentary 59 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Sleep disturbances nervous 52 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Splenomegaly circulatory 51 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Cardiac fibrosis circulatory 49 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Cardiac valve thickening circulatory 49 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Cognitive deficits nervous 46 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Dysostosis multiplex skeletal 44 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Enlarged tongue digestive 41 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Contracture skeletal 38 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Scoliosis skeletal 24 % 24675674 2018-03-04
Cardiomyopathy circulatory 15 % 24675674 2018-03-04

List of references:

The natural history of MPS I: global perspectives from the MPS I Registry.
Michael Beck, Pamela Arn, Roberto Giugliani, Joseph Muenzer, Torayuki Okuyama, John Taylor, Shari Fallet,

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics - Oct 2014