Spastic paraplegia 7

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 22 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Spasticity nervous 100 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Hyperactive reflexes nervous 95 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Babinski's sign nervous 95 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Optic atrophy nervous 60 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Pallesthesia nervous 48 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Cerebellar atrophy nervous 47 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Muscle weakness skeletal 39 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Ataxia nervous 23 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Dysarthria nervous 23 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Hypometric saccades nervous 20 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Muscle atrophy skeletal 17 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Neuropathy nervous 14 % 23065789 2014-07-25
Nystagmus nervous 8 % 23065789 2014-07-25

List of references:

Spastic paraplegia gene 7 in patients with spasticity and/or optic neuropathy.
Stephan Klebe, Christel Depienne, Sylvie Gerber, Georges Challe, Mathieu Anheim, Perrine Charles, Estelle Fedirko, Elodie Lejeune, Julien Cottineau, Alfredo Brusco, Hélène Dollfus, Patrick F Chinnery, Cecilia Mancini, Xavier Ferrer, Guilhem Sole, Alain Destée, Jean-Michel Mayer, Bertrand Fontaine, Jérôme de Seze, Michel Clanet, Elisabeth Ollagnon, Philippe Busson, Cécile Cazeneuve, Giovanni Stevanin, Josseline Kaplan, Jean-Michel Rozet, Alexis Brice, Alexandra Durr,

Brain : a journal of neurology - Oct 2012