Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation, TYPE IIi

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 7 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hypotonia nervous 100 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Developmental delay nervous 100 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Mental retardation nervous 86 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Microcephaly nervous 71 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Short stature endocrine 57 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Visual impairment nervous 28 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Cerebellar atrophy nervous 28 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Hearing impairment nervous 28 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Cerebral atrophy nervous 14 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Neurogenic bladder urinary 14 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Contracture nervous 14 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Skin wrinkles integumentary 14 % 23228021 2024-05-10
Seizures nervous 14 % 23228021 2024-05-10

List of references:

COG5-CDG: expanding the clinical spectrum.
Daisy Rymen, Liesbeth Keldermans, Valérie Race, Luc Régal, Nicolas Deconinck, Carlo Dionisi-Vici, Cheuk-Wing Fung, Luisa Sturiale, Claire Rosnoblet, François Foulquier, Gert Matthijs, Jaak Jaeken,

Orphanet journal of rare diseases - Dec 2012