Trichohepatoenteric Syndrome 2

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 6 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Facial dysmorphism multi 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Trichorrhexis nodosa integumentary 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Colitis digestive 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Diarrhea digestive 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Poor response to childhood vaccinations lymphatic 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Hypogammaglobulinemia lymphatic 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Broad nasal bridge multi 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Hypertelorism skeletal 100 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Intestinal villous atrophy digestive 60 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Immune deficiency lymphatic 50 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Prematurity (<37 weeks multi 40 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Siderosis nervous 33 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Cirrhosis digestive 33 % 22444670 2024-05-28
Cardiac structural defects circulatory 25 % 22444670 2024-05-28

List of references:

SKIV2L mutations cause syndromic diarrhea, or trichohepatoenteric syndrome.
Alexandre Fabre, Bernard Charroux, Christine Martinez-Vinson, Bertrand Roquelaure, Egritas Odul, Ersin Sayar, Hilary Smith, Virginie Colomb, Nicolas Andre, Jean-Pierre Hugot, Olivier Goulet, Caroline Lacoste, Jacques Sarles, Julien Royet, Nicolas Levy, Catherine Badens,

American journal of human genetics - Apr 2012