Desbuquois Dysplasia 2

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 6 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Mental retardation nervous 83 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Micrognathia skeletal 83 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Hypotonia nervous 83 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Epiphyseal dysplasia multi 67 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Pectus excavatum skeletal 50 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Bluish sclerae nervous 50 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Advanced bone age skeletal 50 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Hip dysplasia skeletal 50 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Short limbs endocrine 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Cleft lip or palate multi 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Hyperlaxity multi 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Simian creases multi 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Coarse facial features multi 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Narrowed thorax skeletal 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Obesity multi 33 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Respiratory distress respiratory 17 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Pes planus skeletal 17 % 24581741 2024-05-28
Lumbar lordosis skeletal 17 % 24581741 2024-05-28

List of references:

XYLT1 mutations in Desbuquois dysplasia type 2.
Catherine Bui, Céline Huber, Beyhan Tuysuz, Yasemin Alanay, Christine Bole-Feysot, Jules G Leroy, Geert Mortier, Patrick Nitschke, Arnold Munnich, Valérie Cormier-Daire,

American journal of human genetics - Mar 2014