Epileptic Encephalopathy, Early Infantile

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 5 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Seizures nervous 100 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Anemia circulatory 100 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Anisopoikilocytosis circulatory 100 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Psychomotor regression nervous 80 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Feeding difficulties digestive 80 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Developmental delay nervous 60 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Cerebellar atrophy nervous 60 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Cerebral atrophy nervous 60 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Dysphagia nervous 60 % 28007989 2024-05-01
Gastrostomy digestive 60 % 28007989 2024-05-01

List of references:

CAD mutations and uridine-responsive epileptic encephalopathy.
Johannes Koch, Johannes A Mayr, Bader Alhaddad, Christian Rauscher, Jörgen Bierau, Reka Kovacs-Nagy, Karlien L M Coene, Ingrid Bader, Monika Holzhacker, Holger Prokisch, Hanka Venselaar, Ron A Wevers, Felix Distelmaier, Tilman Polster, Steffen Leiz, Cornelia Betzler, Tim M Strom, Wolfgang Sperl, Thomas Meitinger, Saskia B Wortmann, Tobias B Haack,

Brain : a journal of neurology - Feb 2017