Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation with Defective Fucosylation 1

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Prevalence (%) of clinical parameters based on data from 1 references describing 3 individuals

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List of symptoms

Symptom/sign Organ system Percent affected Pubmed id Added on(yyyy-mm-dd) Edit/add reference
Hypotonia nervous 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Seizures nervous 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Mental retardation nervous 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Microcephaly nervous 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Facial dysmorphism multi 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Developmental delay multi 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Feeding difficulties digestive 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Intrauterine growth retardation multi 100 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Polyhydramnios multi 67 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Glaucoma nervous 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Hypothyroidism endocrine 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Reactive airway disease respiratory 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Kidney Calcifications urinary 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Atrial septum defect circulatory 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Short stature endocrine 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Short nose integumentary 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Strabismus nervous 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Proptosis nervous 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Hirsutism integumentary 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Buphthalmus nervous 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Retrognathia skeletal 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Broad nasal bridge skeletal 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
High arched palate skeletal 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Hip dysplasia skeletal 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Osteopenia skeletal 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14
Kyphosis skeletal 33 % 29304374 2024-05-14

List of references:

Biallelic Mutations in FUT8 Cause a Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation with Defective Fucosylation.
Bobby G Ng, Gege Xu, Nandini Chandy, Joan Steyermark, Deepali N Shinde, Kelly Radtke, Kimiyo Raymond, Carlito B Lebrilla, Ali AlAsmari, Sharon F Suchy, Zöe Powis, Eissa Ali Faqeih, Susan A Berry, David F Kronn, Hudson H Freeze,

American journal of human genetics - Jan 2018